Return to Terminal |
Action | Description | Keyboard Mapping |
'ATTN' | Alerts the host system that a requested function is not being honored. | Ctrl + F5 |
'BEGIN' | Place cursor at the start of field. | Ctrl + F9 |
'CLEAR' | Submit QSN_CLEAR (0xbd) to IBMi. | Scroll Lock |
'COPY' | Copy selected text to the Windows clipboard. | Ctrl + C |
'CUT' | Cut selected text (inside input capable field). | Ctrl + X |
'DELETE' | Delete character at cursor position. | Delete and Del (Numeric Keypad) |
'DOWN' | Move cursor one position down. | Down arrow |
'DUP' | Mark field for Duplication. | Ctrl + F6 |
'END' | Place cursor at the end of a field. (Note: this is different to LAST, which positions the cursor at the last character entered into the field). |
Ctrl + F11 |
'ENTER' | Submit QSN_ENTER (0xf1) to IBMi. | Enter |
'ERASE' | Clear all input. (Set input field values to their initial values). | (None) |
'F1' ... 'F24' | Submit QSN_F1 (0x31)... QSN_F24 (0xbc) to IBMi. | F1 ... F12 Shift + F1 ... Shift + F12 |
'FASTDOWN' | Move cursor three positions down. | Ctrl + Down Arrow |
'FASTLEFT' | Move cursor three positions left. | Ctrl + Left Arrow |
'FASTRIGHT' | Move cursor three positions right. | Ctrl + Right Arrow |
'FASTUP' | Move cursor three positions up. | Ctrl + Up Arrow |
'FIELDMINUS' | Erase the rest of the field and move the cursor to the next field. For numeric fields, change the sign to negative. |
Shift + '-' (Numeric keypad) |
'FIELDPLUS' | Erase the rest of the field and move the cursor to the next field. For numeric fields, change the sign to positive. |
Shift + '+' (Numeric keypad) |
'FIELDEXIT' | Erase the rest of the field and move the cursor to the next field. | Shift + Enter (Numeric keypad) |
'FIELDEXITENTER' | Justify field and Send ENTER command to the IBMi. | (None) |
'HELP' | Submit QSN_HELP (0xf3) to IBMi. | |
'HEX' | Prompts for a character, or a four digit Hex code corresponding to the Unicode character. Used mainly for characters not present on the keyboard. | (None) First menu option |
'INSERT' | Toggle insert mode. | Insert Ins |
'LAST' | Jump to the last character of a field. | End |
'LEFT' | Move cursor one position left. | Left arrow |
'LEFTDELETE' | Delete character left to the cursor. | Backspace |
'NEWLINE' | Jump to next line | Ctrl + Enter |
'NEXT' | Jump to the next field. | Tab |
'PASTE' | Copy the contents of the Clipboard to the current cursor's position. | Ctrl + V |
'PGDN' | Roll UP the screen | Page Down |
'PGUP' | Roll DOWN the screen | Page Up |
'PREVIOUS' | Jump to the previous field. | Shift + Tab |
'PRINT' | Submit QSN_PRINT (0xf6) to the IBMi. | (None) |
'RECORD' | Record Backspace (Home). Put cursor at the Home position (first input field, position 1). | Home |
'RESET' | Opens the keyboard for input (if keyboard is LOCKED due to error). | Esc |
'REDIRECT:Page' | Navigate to new Page | |
'RIGHT' | Move cursor one position right. | Right Arrow |
'UP' | Move cursor one position Up. | Up Arrow |