ASNA 5250 Terminal Emulator Help

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Keyboard Mapping

Action Description Keyboard Mapping
'ATTN' Alerts the host system that a requested function is not being honored. Ctrl + F5
'BEGIN' Place cursor at the start of field. Ctrl + F9
'CLEAR' Submit QSN_CLEAR (0xbd) to IBMi. Scroll
'COPY' Copy selected text to the Windows clipboard. Ctrl + C
'CUT' Cut selected text (inside input capable field). Ctrl + X
'DELETE' Delete character at cursor position. Delete and Del (Numeric Keypad)
'DOWN' Move cursor one position down. Down arrow
'DUP' Mark field for Duplication. Ctrl + F6
'END' Place cursor at the end of a field.
(Note: this is different to LAST, which positions the cursor at the last character entered into the field).
Ctrl + F11
'ENTER' Submit QSN_ENTER (0xf1) to IBMi. Enter
'ERASE' Clear all input. (Set input field values to their initial values). (None)
'F1' ... 'F24' Submit QSN_F1 (0x31)... QSN_F24 (0xbc) to IBMi. F1 ... F12
Shift + F1 ... Shift + F12
'FASTDOWN' Move cursor three positions down. Ctrl + Down Arrow
'FASTLEFT' Move cursor three positions left. Ctrl + Left Arrow
'FASTRIGHT' Move cursor three positions right. Ctrl + Right Arrow
'FASTUP' Move cursor three positions up. Ctrl + Up Arrow
'FIELDMINUS' Erase the  rest of the field and move the cursor to the next field.
For numeric fields, change the sign to negative.
Shift + '-' (Numeric keypad)
'FIELDPLUS' Erase the  rest of the field and move the cursor to the next field.
For numeric fields, change the sign to positive.
Shift + '+' (Numeric keypad)
'FIELDEXIT' Erase the  rest of the field and move the cursor to the next field. Shift + Enter (Numeric keypad)
'FIELDEXITENTER' Justify field and Send ENTER command to the IBMi. (None)
'HELP' Submit QSN_HELP (0xf3) to IBMi.
'HEX' Prompts for a character, or a four digit Hex code corresponding to the Unicode character. Used mainly for characters not present on the keyboard. (None)
First menu option
'INSERT' Toggle insert mode. Insert
'LAST' Jump to the last character of a field. End
'LEFT' Move cursor one position left. Left arrow
'LEFTDELETE' Delete character left to the cursor. Backspace
'NEWLINE' Jump to next line Ctrl + Enter
'NEXT' Jump to the next field. Tab
'PASTE' Copy the contents of the Clipboard to the current cursor's position. Ctrl + V
'PGDN' Roll UP the screen Page
'PGUP' Roll DOWN the screen Page
'PREVIOUS' Jump to the previous field. Shift + Tab
'PRINT' Submit QSN_PRINT (0xf6) to the IBMi. (None)
'RECORD' Record Backspace (Home). Put cursor at the Home position (first input field, position 1). Home
'RESET' Opens the keyboard for input (if keyboard is LOCKED due to error). Esc
'REDIRECT:Page' Navigate to new Page
'RIGHT' Move cursor one position right. Right Arrow
'UP' Move cursor one position Up. Up Arrow

Note: Actions not assigned to keyboard keys, may be configured by your System Administrator.